Thursday, April 7, 2011

Counting my Many Blessings!

     So I have spent the last few days throwing a pity party for myself.  We all do it from time to time, but this one has been way worse than it needed to be.  It is like this, I was scheduled to leave on a fabulous trip to the beach with some fabulous friends.  Unfortunately, I started punching the numbers and realized it was not going to be possible.  So I did what I do best, I pouted....more like sobbed.  I tried to blame my lack of sleep from the night before and my case of PMS that is going on...but basically I was just pissed.  I get so frustrated sometimes that I have always done what was expected of me, earned things not been handed them and tried to be a good person.  (Yes I've failed at that last one from time to time, but haven't we all)
To top off my pity party, as I was leaving work yesterday I realized I didn't have enough gas to get home and a negative balance in the bank so I was unable to purchase needed gas.  I called my mom in hysterics.  I finally found another one of my fabulous friends that came to my aid and I got home. 
      When my "Saintly" friend Carol arrived to rescue me at the gas station it was then I realized just how blessed I really am.  So what if I can't go to the beach.  Look at all the things that I am fortunate to have, food to eat, a roof over my head, a family that loves me and helps me when I'm in need, friends that are there to pick me up when I am down and even bring a little gas money and most importantly a God that loves me unconditionly and helps me see the things that truly matter.  Don't mourn what you do not have, Thank Him for what you do have!  God Bless

----until next time

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