Well the Blog Police, also known as Coco and Tammy, have been after me because I have not written since June! (As a side note...Coco pointed out and Tammy admitted to not Blogging in a while herself.) So, I am here to inspire you with some of my wit and wisdom. I am actually going to write about something I thought about several months ago but never got around to writing it, the craze over motion sensored soap and paper towel dispensors and hands free flushing toilets! Gripping stuff I know!
Back late last summer or early fall, work decided to replace all the soap and paper towel dispensors with hands-free/motion sensor dispensors. You might think well what is wrong with that and I would say in theory nothing. However, when the actual application of said devices is put into place the trouble begins. When you walk in the restroom on my floor, if you don't enter just right your rear end passes in front of the paper towel and out spits a piece of paper towel. I take care of business and then comes time for the soap. On several occasions I have managed to squirt soap all in the floor. I then use the piece of paper towel I prepared upon my entrance into the bathroom. Now with my clean hands I touch the doorknob that everyone else has touched and leave! As I exit, I pass my hiney in front of the paper towel and leave the next person a piece waiting. It is quite humorous because you can hear everytime someone enters...they set it off! I'm thinking they could have come up with a better placement of the machine. But I'm a Communications person, not a paper towel dispensor engineer/installer!
This leads me to my text topic, automatic flushing toilets and motion sensor sinks. Those toilets are built for embarrassment whether anyone sees you or not. If you are me, you have flushed the toilet twice before you even get your pants down. Then, when you are ready to flush, you can't get it to flush. I call it doing the potty dance. I stand there shaking my hiney, waving my hands in front of the sensor and still end up mashing the little button to make it flush. Seriously, just leave the good old fashion handle...I'll use my feet to flush it if I'm worried about germs...besides I have to touch the lock and door to get out anyway. And those automatic sinks...the water never runs long enough or warm enough and guess what....you have to touch the door to get out of the freaking bathroom, not to mention everything else you touch during the day. If you are worried, do what I do and keep hand sanitizer as a back-up Technology is a good thing and I understand it is supposed to prevent the spread of germs...but sometimes.....I feel like I'm being filmed for Hidden Funny Videos when I try to make these things work! Until the next time I impart my wisdom on you...think of me doing the potty dance trying to get public toilet to flush!
You are right on topic with the above comments. I am sitting outside with Josh & Nae laughing at your comments as Josh says, "Did you tell yourself a joke?" Nope but Liz just cracked me up...no pun intended considering the topic at hand =D